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Hyperthermal Water Salso-Bromo-Iodic
Dermo-Cosmetics, Health & Wellness

The Millennial Thermal Tradition

The Hyperthermal Water Acqua di Abano®, sourced from the Therapeutic Source Thermalis®, is the cornerstone of our product range, embodying distinctive Hyper-Naturality through its effectiveness and purity. This exceptional water stands out as the richest and most balanced thermal water globally, delivering a proven soothing effect in just 30 seconds.
Its remarkable character has received official recognition from the Italian Ministry of Health, awarding the prestigious “SUPER 1” classification to the Euganean thermal basin and its facilities. This distinction attests to the respect for natural resources and strict discipline in the use of these waters.
This acknowledgment confirms the effectiveness of Acqua di Abano®️, the foundation of the thermal treatments we offer. This level of excellence has been achieved through decades of research and innovation in the field of thermal hydrotherapy. Since 2014, this approach has been officially recognized by the World Health Organization as “natural and alternative medicine.”
With 5 generations of partnership with the nature of the Euganean Thermal Basin, the story is just beginning.

Reveal your beauty with our skincare based on Hyperthermal Water

Harvesting the virtues of Hyperthermal Water Acqua di Abano®, our innovative formulations replicate the biological processes of our organism, preserving and enhancing natural elements without compromising their chemical composition.

Boost your health with our medical devices based on Hyperthermal Water

Thanks to Acqua di Abano® Hyperthermal Water and Biofango® Hyperthermal Mud, the millennial thermal tradition now becomes medical devices, accessible to all.

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