Euganean Thermalism : Science & Millennial Tradition
In the valley of the Euganean Hills springs a source of well-being for body and soul, a source of health and beauty, known and recognized since pre-Roman times (10th century BC) .
Since three millennia, this water with its prodigious curative power has brought glory and prestige to the territory of Abano Terme and Montegrotto Terme (Padua) in Italy, the oldest and most renowned spa center in Europe. If for centuries hydrotherapy was a curative method based on the beneficial effects of spring water (Salus Per Aquam), in recent decades it has been transformed into a scientifically proven therapy, recognized by the Organization World Health Organization (2014) and by the Italian National Health Service as a “form of alternative and natural medicine”.
The experience of the Pezzato family, which has perpetuated the thousand-year-old knowledge of Euganean thermalism for five generations, has also contributed to transforming this empirical-traditional knowledge into applied scientific knowledge.
The decisive turning point took place in the early 1980s, when Dr. Laura Pezzato studied the “hyperthermal” specificity of Puglia water and founded the Thermal Research Laboratory. There, she develops pioneering dermo-cosmetic formulations, combining natural and biologically active compounds present in Euganean sources with pure elements of certified origin. These are the first hyperthermal water products in history. Over the next two decades, the activity of the laboratory focused on the creation of new formulations, commissioned by some of the most prestigious cosmetic brands.
The history of the Pezzato family continues: Thermalis Srl was founded in 2011, on the initiative of a group of young local entrepreneurs. In the early years, the company devoted itself to the creation of unique medical devices. These health products, also produced under private label for international brands, were later joined by skincare products, launched in 2022.
5 generations of partnership with the nature of the Euganean Hills and the story has only just begun.