Let’s discover the exceptional benefits of this spring, which naturally soothes sunburn and cares for your skin with infinite gentleness.
Thermal spring water is underground water from natural springs rich in minerals and trace elements. These components are beneficial to the skin thanks to their therapeutic proper-ties. When it comes to relieving sunburn, thermal spring water offers indeed a number of benefits.
Anti-inflammatory properties of thermal spring water
Firstly, thermal spring water has anti-inflammatory properties. Sunburn causes an inflam-matory reaction in the skin, resulting in redness and swelling. Minerals such as zinc and copper in thermal spring water have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. By re-ducing inflammation, thermal spring water helps relieve the pain and discomfort associated with sunburn.
Promotes skin healing after sunburn
Thermal spring water also promotes skin healing. The sun’s UV rays damage the skin barri-er, leading to dryness and flaking. The minerals present in thermal spring water, such as magnesium and calcium, are essential to the skin’s regeneration process. They help restore the integrity of the skin barrier, deeply moisturise the skin and accelerate healing from sun-burn.
Soothing sensation of thermal spring water on burnt skin
Thermal spring water also has naturally soothing properties for the skin. When you apply Thermalis® spring water to sunburned skin, you instantly feel a sensation of freshness and re-lief. What’s more, thermal spring water helps restore the skin’s moisture balance, which is crucial for relieving sunburn and preventing dehydration.
How can thermal spring water be used to relieve sunburn?
Using thermal spring water is simple and practical. You can gently spray thermal spring wa-ter on the affected area, several times a day. You can also apply it using a cotton pad soaked in thermal spring water. Thermal spring water can also be stored in the refrigerator to max-imise its cooling effect.
Thermal spring water: beneficial for sensitive skin
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, healing and soothing properties, thermal spring water of-fers immediate relief and promotes the healing of sunburnt skin. The minerals present in thermal spring water play a key role in delivering these benefits. The zinc, copper, magnesi-um and calcium in thermal spring water work synergistically to reduce inflammation, pro-mote cell regeneration, restore the skin’s moisture balance and soothe painful sensations.
Additional advice and precautions
Unlike some cosmetic products, which may contain potentially irritating ingredients, ther-mal spring water is natural and gentle on the skin. It therefore reduces the risk of undesira-ble reactions and offers pleasant relief without aggravating skin irritations.
By incorporating thermal spring water into your after-sun routine, you can benefit from its soothing and repairing effects. After prolonged exposure to the sun, we recommend gently cleansing the skin with a mild solution and then applying the thermal spring water as a fine mist to the affected areas. You can repeat this step several times a day, so as to keep the skin fresh and hydrated.
Remember that thermal spring water is not a substitute for adequate sun protection. It is essential to protect yourself from the sun by using a sun cream with an appropriate sun pro-tection factor, avoiding exposure at the hottest times of the day and wearing protective clothing such as hats and sunglasses.
Thermal spring water, an ally for soothed skin after the sun
Don’t hesitate to include thermal spring water in your summer first-aid kit to enjoy the ben-efits of nature and take care of your skin after exposure to the sun.
Don’t let sunburn spoil your summer fun – use thermal spring water as a natural, powerful ally to soothe your skin. Give your skin the care it deserves, and make the most of summer and all its pleasures with soothed, moisturised and regenerated skin thanks to the benefits of thermal spring water.
Sunburn and Thermal Spring Water
Let’s discover the exceptional benefits of this spring, which naturally soothes sunburn and cares for your skin with infinite gentleness.
Thermal spring water is underground water from natural springs rich in minerals and trace elements. These components are beneficial to the skin thanks to their therapeutic proper-ties. When it comes to relieving sunburn, thermal spring water offers indeed a number of benefits.
Anti-inflammatory properties of thermal spring water
Firstly, thermal spring water has anti-inflammatory properties. Sunburn causes an inflam-matory reaction in the skin, resulting in redness and swelling. Minerals such as zinc and copper in thermal spring water have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects. By re-ducing inflammation, thermal spring water helps relieve the pain and discomfort associated with sunburn.
Promotes skin healing after sunburn
Thermal spring water also promotes skin healing. The sun’s UV rays damage the skin barri-er, leading to dryness and flaking. The minerals present in thermal spring water, such as magnesium and calcium, are essential to the skin’s regeneration process. They help restore the integrity of the skin barrier, deeply moisturise the skin and accelerate healing from sun-burn.
Soothing sensation of thermal spring water on burnt skin
Thermal spring water also has naturally soothing properties for the skin. When you apply Thermalis® spring water to sunburned skin, you instantly feel a sensation of freshness and re-lief. What’s more, thermal spring water helps restore the skin’s moisture balance, which is crucial for relieving sunburn and preventing dehydration.
How can thermal spring water be used to relieve sunburn?
Using thermal spring water is simple and practical. You can gently spray thermal spring wa-ter on the affected area, several times a day. You can also apply it using a cotton pad soaked in thermal spring water. Thermal spring water can also be stored in the refrigerator to max-imise its cooling effect.
Thermal spring water: beneficial for sensitive skin
Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, healing and soothing properties, thermal spring water of-fers immediate relief and promotes the healing of sunburnt skin. The minerals present in thermal spring water play a key role in delivering these benefits. The zinc, copper, magnesi-um and calcium in thermal spring water work synergistically to reduce inflammation, pro-mote cell regeneration, restore the skin’s moisture balance and soothe painful sensations.
Additional advice and precautions
Unlike some cosmetic products, which may contain potentially irritating ingredients, ther-mal spring water is natural and gentle on the skin. It therefore reduces the risk of undesira-ble reactions and offers pleasant relief without aggravating skin irritations.
By incorporating thermal spring water into your after-sun routine, you can benefit from its soothing and repairing effects. After prolonged exposure to the sun, we recommend gently cleansing the skin with a mild solution and then applying the thermal spring water as a fine mist to the affected areas. You can repeat this step several times a day, so as to keep the skin fresh and hydrated.
Remember that thermal spring water is not a substitute for adequate sun protection. It is essential to protect yourself from the sun by using a sun cream with an appropriate sun pro-tection factor, avoiding exposure at the hottest times of the day and wearing protective clothing such as hats and sunglasses.
Thermal spring water, an ally for soothed skin after the sun
Don’t hesitate to include thermal spring water in your summer first-aid kit to enjoy the ben-efits of nature and take care of your skin after exposure to the sun.
Don’t let sunburn spoil your summer fun – use thermal spring water as a natural, powerful ally to soothe your skin. Give your skin the care it deserves, and make the most of summer and all its pleasures with soothed, moisturised and regenerated skin thanks to the benefits of thermal spring water.